Hackle Tweezers by Tyflyz Toolz

Normally I don’t go for hackle pliers. I prefer to use the ones on the ends of my hands. But now and again when wrapping small and delicate feathers I’ll admit I wish for a good pair.

Well, I think Ive found them. I give you Hackle Tweezers by Tyflyz Toolz (got to be from the US don’t you think?)

These simple little pliers are actually quite a revelation. Well made, grippy, robust but delicate and easy to use. I found them at Funky Flytying and for under a tenner they are a bargain.

Here they are set up for wrapping a right handed collar hackle faster than you can imagine.

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Paul Slaney

I should give this up. Wrapping bits of fluff round a hook for fun, just can’t be normal.